By Steven Luboniecki The pits were full Friday for the practice session leading up to Saturday's (19th) Winterfest at Winchester Speedway in Winchester TN. There were dozens of Super Late Models, Two Barrel, and Two Barrel Economy Late ...
Marii Dąbrowskiej w Tarnowie, Katolickie Gimnazjum Księży Pallotynów w Chełmnie, Szkoła Podstawowa w Lubońku, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Młodzieży ?Arka? w Radomiu, Stowarzyszenie PRZYSTAŃ w Turku, Publiczne Przedszkole z Oddziałami ...
And as I watched her embrace the two cast members who take on the two Strauss characters aboard our own Titanic (Mary Corby and Steve Luboniecki), I saw haunted memories pour from the tears that rolled down Mary's cheeks as the feeling ...